
Monday-Friday 12PM-6PM

Snacks, is a native from St. Louis, Mo who moved his radio career to Bakersfield, Ca four years ago. He began his radio career in Joplin, Mo in 2006, where he was also a student athlete and walked away with his bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications from Missouri Southern State University.

Radio has always been a passion for Snacks since the age of 16, interning at a local sports radio station down the street from his high school. Speaking of sports, Snacks is a true St. Louis Cardinals and Blues fan. He learned fast moving to the west coast strong debates with Dodger fans would become a frequent thing.

Snacks’ is one talented individual. Who’s a vocalist and plays the piano, drums and organ all by ear. During his time away from the radio, he spends a lot of time officiating high school and college basketball and traveling across the country hosting the Battle of the Salons. This all works out well because he is not one that likes being stuck in the house.

Does Snacks have a family? Yes, all over the country. Of his own, no! He has never been married and has no kids. Don’t let this scare you; this is a future goal, keyword, future.

Where did the nick name Snacks come from: It came from his college teammate. Freshman year Snacks would constantly call his senior teammate to take him to grab food. His senior teammate had never met anyone to eat as much as Snacks, so the teammate came up with the nickname Snacks. From that point on the name has stuck with him.

Favorite Snack: Fruit (Is that consider a snack)?

Favorite place to eat: Just about anywhere that involves food. I’ll find something on the menu.

Favorite movie: I’m the worst movie date ever! I fall asleep all the time.

What’s your real name: Well that will take the fun out of things don’t you think? Plus some of you are crazy I don’t want you looking me up. It makes me nervous.

Favorite sport: Basketball

Favorite TV Shows: Instagram & Snapchat

Let’s do this any further questions, comments, concerns or curiosity. Call the show at anytime.

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